Your website security remains a priority now especially if your website represents your business. After a DDOS scare that brought many websites down few years ago, it brought to knowledge the importance of putting security precautionary measures in place on your website.
Your customers will put their trust in you and your brand by accepting to pay online. If hackers gain access to their credit card details because of failure to secure your website, that is a bridge of trust. This can destroy your brand and crash your business.
What is the value of a hacked website? Any website can be hacked small or big websites like British Airways website hack.
Maintaining strong Cyber Security remain an extremely complex task. You may be unable to resist every threat as hackers are often savvy and constantly working on ways to outsmart every security detail.
But you can protect your website from becoming the next victim by implementing some security measures. Also, keep in mind that a website hack is different then a negative SEO attack.
Here are the 6 critical checklists to avoid website hack.
Get an SSL Certificate
You may be unable to resist every threat as hackers are often savvy and always working on ways to outsmart every security detail. You want to keep your entire website secure and still prepare for unforeseen circumstances.
Every website requires security but most importantly if you operate online businesses that either accepts payments or requires a form submission. An SSL Certificate represent a profitable investment and gives your customer confidence to hand over sensitive information.
With an SSL Certificate, a green locked icon with HTTPS shows at the left side of the address bar which consumers look for to see the website is protected. It ensures information is encrypted and cannot easily be stolen by hackers.
Backup your website Regularly
To stay safe in case of any eventuality, backup is your fallback. You want to keep your entire website secure and still prepare for unforeseen circumstances. To avoid designing your entire website from ground zero up, make sure to backup your website and save yourself that stress and resources.
If you back up your computer then your website is as important as your computer. Check your hosting provider for backup details. Most hosting platforms provide backup option maybe at a fee. With automated backup system, you don’t have to concern about the safety of your websites. It is completely effortlessly and automated. There are other add-ons you can purchase to automate your backup.
Get Malware detector
Investing in Malware detector represents another significant way of securing your website. Malware is common and can be used by Hackers to infect your website. When hackers fill your website with malware, it becomes effortless to infect your customers computers or devices.
One thing we know, if you block malicious traffics your website will run faster. Getting a malware detector will save you the risk of loosing your website.
Installing anti-malware programs can spot malware and halt them from causing damage to your website. You cannot compare the cost against the risk posed by malware on your website.
Secure Password and Frequent Update
Are you among the tons of people who use basic and insecure passwords like “123456”, “your date of birth” or passwords that are easy to come by with? You run the risk of loosing your website.
To generate a secure password for your website – use a mix of letters, numbers and symbols, special characters. Avoid using generic names or numbers that your acquaintance or anyone can easily predict. Being creative will aid you in generating a secure password, and the same applies to anyone in your organization that has access to your website.
Being creative will aid you in generating a secure password, and the same applies to anyone in your organization that has access to your website. It’s fun and easy using a password generator. You will also need updating your password periodically to keep your access safe. Setting a calendar can also aid you know when you need to update your login.
Stay Up-to-date with your software plugins
Software developers and Cyber Security experts are in constant battle with hackers to overcome every effort put in place by them. This is the reason why software updates are created to reduce security vulnerabilities. Staying updated helps you to stay secured.
Each time you receive an update reminder, it is part of the battle to keep your website safe and secure against attacks that maybe launched by hackers. Checking for updates on your plugins, CMS and entire website even if it feels annoying are steps towards reducing vulnerabilities.
Permissions, be careful with it.
Granting permission to your website is inevitable as you might require someone to effect a few changes here and there. Like most businesses, access to your website is granted to people who make updates. Bigger businesses often have more people while medium sized and small businesses has fewer people.
But the more number of people who has access to your website, the more vulnerable your website will become. Not everyone on your website needs the same access level. To stay safe, reduce vulnerabilities and damage, you must use your permission wisely.
Even when you apply these tips presented here, it’s critical that you still read up and stay up to date on best practices, new security threats and how to clean a hacked WordPress site. Hackers are working to develop modern methods to walk around these security measures.
Do well to treat your website security with maximum priority as the stakes are high.